What is Project Dennio?

It had been more than eight months since I have written a good post here on my blog. Poems filled the pages in the past few months because of my 'failed' love story that I'd be going to tell you later. Those eight months were the longest days of my life. Everyday seems an endless and hopeless journey. My life is definitely ruined. I've got nowhere to run to but to choose among the three choices that had been running around my mind.

First choice: the escape route. Instant relief. But the choice would be like a 3-in-1 coffee mix. One, I would instantly get relieved of my problem. Two, maybe some would cry. Lastly, I'd surely end up in the boiling cauldron of fire down there.

Second choice: the bridge to nowhere. Endless misery. I just continue to fool myself in believing that this journey will come to an end even though I'd be doing nothing. I'd just go with the flow and let it be.

Third choice: the path that must be taken. Painful choice. I have to give up all of me. I have to accept the truth that it was my fault and I have to do something about it. Do something that would change my life.

What did I choose? The painful choice.

The road is not yet paved and it will remain the same for the rest of my life. But instead of walking barefoot, I had learned to wear shoes and slippers and right now, I learned to walked with a companion - Him.


Things are much better than before. But I still got many things to do: clean up the mess I created and fix my life - till I could fulfill my dreams and God's purpose for me: serve others.

But why and how did it happened? A very very long story.


I created this blog to tell my story. Let my family, friends and 'fans' (the term I prefer to call some of my detractors) know the REAL story. I never had the courage to tell them what really happened. All that I could tell them was that I wasn't able to survive college life at UP. But now, no single detail would be left out.

But what happens at the end of my story? A little hope that teenagers of my age would never commit the same mistakes again and that parents could learn how to cope with us who lives in a completely different world.


Project Dennio is not a project about catapulting myself to fame so that I could become the president of this country someday. It is about addressing one of the most serious problems of our society today - communication gap.

That could be very surprising to you since we got all these high speed modes of communication like cellphones and computers. You could just literally be in any part of the globe through your webcam and let your relatives or friends see you.

But what had been left behind is not the advancement of the way we communicate with others but how we communicate with others - most especially in our families and how we interact with the real world.


Project Dennio will do aim for change but change would be inevitable here in the world wide web. Despite the so-called 'blogging revolution' that forever changed the landscape of mass media and direct participation of the people, change in the 'digital world' would not necessarily reflect a change in the 'real world.'

Let's get real. The internet is just a tool to bring about changes. It is just there to inspire and motivate people from all walks of life to go beyond their comfort zones and engage in issues that are dear to them. But whatever you see here on the web, stays on the web.

Words cannot feed the hungry. But your words can rouse people to feed the hungry.

Online petitions cannot stop a bad policy or an imminent war. But these online petitions can help make people realize that there is a world out there that needs their help.

Change cannot be brought about by bloggers or by netizens. Change can only happen through real people engaging in real world problems through concrete actions.


But how do we engage? Be one with the people. Choose an advocacy close to your heart. Then choose the path that you're going to take to advance your cause.

Project Dennio is all about that. Help make people realize that the real world needs their help because the digital world can fend for itself.


We've all got three options.

But we have there is no other option but to choose the painful choice. You are powerful and you can brought about changes outside the web.


Let me end with a text message that I had received last March 9 at exactly 10:58:27 P.M. (Philippine Time) from a someone whom I didn't know well.

"A sharp mind is useless without a fighting heart. In life's challenges, you make an impression with what you say. But you gain respect, credibility and dignity with what you do."


Photo taken from this site


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  1. wow that was an inspiring post. i definitely wanna learn more about your story. i'll certainly follow here

  2. great blog. linked you po :))

  3. linked you @ http:isamrat.blogspot.com. great blog


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