Two Years in the Blogosphere

On the 29th of May 2008, It's going to be TWO YEARS ever since I've started blogging. And as a part of this 'glorious' event in my life, here are the few things I did to 'celebrate' my two years of existence in the blogosphere:

I have just studied a few things about Adobe Photoshop and the products of my hardwork are all around my blog now. See the header up there? And the image at the below of this post? These are just samples of what I have done. And here is my 'anniversary image':

O 'di ba? Basic pa lang ang alam ko and I'm still trying to study a lot including creating 'sophisticated images'. And here are a few other images I've created:

If you would want to link me up just use this image:

Another thing that I did to celebrate my anniversary is to come up with FOUR NEW POSTS (all below this post) that talks about different things.

And I just hope to win in "Okey Ka, Pinoy Ka!" contest. It would be a nice gift for my anniversary if you are going to vote for me at 50% of the total score will come from online votes and the rest is up to the judges. So please do vote for me now. :D Here's the link again,

I have been recently featured as blog of the week at Million Blog List. Although the blog is picked at random, still thanks a lot for the free exposure. :D

Also to my Entrecard droppers, thank you for dropping by even though I can't drop back at you but as soon as I get online, I make sure to drop by your blog.

I also have FOUR NEW POSTS (just below this post). So please do take time to read it all. And I would appreciate much if you would leave me some comment too. :D I'm sorry I'm not able to constantly update my blog and keep in touch with you guys because as you all know, we don't have an internet connection at home and it is really a luxury to go out and go online. I do hope you would understand.

Again thank you very much for all of the support coming from you guys.

Spinning Lies

I don't know what my title means. I didn't even lift a finger to know what that means. I have probably heard or seen it before but I'm not sure. It's just right now I'm living on lies.

I lied to everybody else I know and loved. I told them that I don't have any problem. The truth is I'm on the brink of being evicted from my school. I'm probably one of the few rotten eggs in UP that got the grade of 5 in almost all of the subjects I have taken this semester. And I just don't know what to do..

Before, I would stay up late just to watch my favorite late-night public affairs program or finish a project. But now, I would stay awake at night just to wait for everybody else to sleep so that I could cry..

I'm crying because I've ruined my life. I've wasted the chance that He gave me. I could've done the other way around but I chose to be stupid and stubborn. I chose to let a year pass by without doing anything right. I chose to burn 12,000 pesos that should have been put to good use; instead of sending a useless 18 year-old to study.

I really knew it from the very start. My college life would be disastrous. It will lead me to nowhere. But I've got no choice but to study. A lot of people are expecting a lot from me. I can't bring them down. But I have forgotten I have my life too. I've been living too much on their expectations. That's when I started to live on lies..

One lie after another.. I didn't see that the web of lies that I've created has already trapped me. I tried to broke it off but I can't. Then my life started to fall down slowly to pieces.. I didn't even bother to pick it up and glue the pieces together..

And now, I'm at the crossroads; and I'm tired. I have thought of killing myself but I am too coward to do it. That's why at one point in my life, I have prayed that He take away my life so that someone could use it for good. I want Him to completely erase me. Erase all the memories that I have inflicted on everybody. I don't want to be remembered. I just want to disappear that nobody would know me.

That way, my stupidity has finally given the justice it deserved.

Still, I'm clinging on the last strand of hope and strength I have. I do hope I can still move on.. Tama na.. Naiiyak na naman ako.. Wala pa sa oras.. It's just 11:45 PM.. My sister's still awake.. My precious jewel.. I'm sorry.. Kuya failed you.. Kuya failed everybody else.. And Kuya deserves to be punished real bad..

And to everybody else, please don't forget:

Follow CHRIST.

Serve the PEOPLE!

On Single Moms (Mother's Day Post)

These past few months, I've noticed that there are a lot of single mom bloggers in the blogosphere. Oh well not only single mom bloggers but famous personalities and some neighbors as well. Where are the fathers of these children?!

I am ashamed that some few rotten eggs that belong to our gender are very irresponsible and immature. Hindi nila kayang panindigan ang kanilang ginawa. After they had released their sexual tensions and horniness, o sabi nga natin kapag nakuha na nila ang kanilang gusto, they just simply break up with the girl and would fled to the next 'victim.' Then after a few weeks, the girl would just realized that she has just got pregnant and the culprit is nowhere to be found. She is left with two choices: to give up or move on.

Kaunting paglihis sa topic.

I completely do not agree with abortion. Every child that a mother bears whether it is unwanted or that they have discovered that the child have disorders or sickness, is still a blessing. That child may be an additional burden but as most pro-life advocates would simply argue, 'what if that child would become the next president of this country that would uplift us from from poverty or the next superstar or a big name in business. There is also a perception among some of our fellow citizens that a fetus is just blood. Eh bakit? Tinatawag ba natin ang isang buntis na nagdadalang-dugo siya? 'Di ba't ang tawag natin ay nagdadalang-tao? Sorry I'm losing my cool but the argument's right. Even by the way we call pregnant mothers, we regard that thing inside that tummy as a human being, not just plain and simple blood.

But I could understand some mothers who would rather lose the child than to lose the respect of others and recieve all the humiliation and defamation from others. But that could be averted if the people around would be supportive of her. And that would be easy for a mother to move on.

We do not need reproductive rights. What we need is a society that doesn't condemn unwanted pregancies. What we need is proper education to children like us that things like sex is not a thing to be played with. What we need is a culture that protects and respects life.

Oops.. I'm gettng a bit far off from my topic. But anyway it is still related. :D

Anyway, going back to what I've been talking about, if a mother chooses to give up, we cannot blame her. I have already mentioned the reasons above. And if she chose to move on, that is really one big, brave step. I really salute those single moms that fought for their child. No one can really compare the love that mothers can give to us. What more if she is the only who raises her child/ren, I really salute them.

And to those 'men' who left these single mothers, mas bakla pa kayo sa bakla. Buti pa ang bakla kayang panindigan na bakla siya, pero kayo na mga 'tunay na lalake' nagtatago sa saya ng nanay niyo. Itinatanggi niyo pa na kayo ang gumawa. Haaay.. sana maputol ang *censored* niyo!!! Hahahaha.. :D

And to all of my 'co-genders', be responsible enough for your actions. One minute of ecstasy would be endless days and nights of despair for these women. Tayo ang may pantusok kaya dapat na maging respondable ka. Hindi iyan basta tusok ka ng tusok. Huwag kang tumulad sa mga aso na ilan ang binubuntis. Hindi ka aso. Tao ka. Try to control yourself. And please, don't fool your girlfriends that 'sex' is an essential part of your relationship. If that's your reason for having a girlfriend, back off man. Maligo ka ng tubig na may yelo at kung wala pa rin, ikiskis mo na lang yan sa pader. hahaha.. :D

And a piece of advice to the ladies, you've got the power. You can always say no. Unless they forced you, don't be afraid to cry rape. They should pay for what they have done to you. A lot of NGO's and support groups are here to help you. Don't be afraid to come out and stand for your right.

Speaking of famous personalities, who among us these days would not know that Gabby Concepcion's back home. We all know the fairy tale story of Sharon and Gabby and their beautiful daughter KC Concepcion. And this is one good example for my topic. Although, they got married after Sharon concieved KC, they eventually broke up and Sharon was left to fend for her daughter. And attention to those irresponsible fathers out there: hindi tinakasan ni Gabby ang responsibilidad niya sa kanyang anak kahit pa nagkahiwalay sila ni Sharon.

Although the two former love birds still 'hates' each other, Sharon didn't raised KC to hate her father. Instead she let KC know what happened at hindi niya ito ipinagkait kay Gabby and eventually accepted it all and look at her now: succesful and contented with life.

So single, divorced or annuled moms, there's still hope. I believe that those who surpassed the most difficult trials in life are those who would really become winners in life.

That's all. Although this would be late, still, Happy Mother's Day!